
More – Better – Faster

The call exists for all manufacturers to produce more product of higher quality in less time (and the really hard part) using fewer labor resources. The founders of On-Shore USA considered two options to answer this call: magic and automation. After the smoke cleared from an unsuccessful attempt at magic… No, not really. The first choice was in fact AUTOMATION.

Automation at On-Shore USA is an enabler. Manufacturing efficiency revolves around machine up-time. Robots stay focused on loading and unloading machines for maximum spindle up-time. Offloading unskilled tasks to a robot enables the machine operator to focus primarily on skilled tasks. With assistance from a robot the machine/robot-cell operator has more time for quality control, process monitoring and improvement. It can be readily seen how this combination improves both efficiency and quality.

On-Shore USA’s commitment to integrating automation into its machining processes is supported by an in-house engineering staff and skilled machinists who embrace the benefit of having an automated “assistant.”

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